Tom Crane 0:10 Can you see that. Joe Padfield 0:12 Yes, thank you. Tom Crane 0:16 I'll just get stuck in. Hello everyone. So I'm Tom Crane, I'm technology director at Digerati in London and I'm also one of the editors of the IIIF specifications, and the subject of this is building IIIF manifests. I've heard that term, manifest, a few times today already, so I thought I'd just start with clarifying what that is. What IIIF gives us is a model for describing digital objects, and it has various terms in that model names for things like collection, manifest, Canvas, range, etc. And that the manifest is basically the thing that you give to people, the thing that you send around, the thing that you publish that represents an object, a book or painting or whatever it might be, or a collection of paintings or a set of images, it's the unit of distribution of IIIF, if you load something into a viewer, you load a manifest. And I guess the thing that distinguishes a IIIF manifest from other metadata standards that are in use and in this space is that it's a playable thing, it's like the same way, a web page is a markup document that will produce a user experience at a browser, a IIIF manifest is a playable thing, a markup document for digital objects that will produce a user experience in a viewer. So it's not like a catalog record, it's it's metadata, but playable metadata. Now, most of the manifests in the world are built by machines because they are part of the production line. This is a live broadcast from inside the British Library's IIIF production line. And you can see here, all the metadata, going in at one end and IIIF manifests coming out at the other end. And that metadata is typically structural metadata, descriptive message data, and other technical metadata and that all comes together to produce IIIF, as well as images and film and other actual media assets. There are, there are billions of these out there in the world now: probably hundreds of millions of manifests billions of canvases. But today we're, we're really talking about more handcrafted approach. We all the things you've seen so far are usually not assembled from massive production lines they're produced by hand. So why would you want to produce one by hand. I could take someone else's manifest and just adjust it. So for example, I might want to add some canvases into or some views and images into someone else's manifest or I might want to, if I'm working on a manuscript I might want to remove the 197 images I don't need today and just work on three. Or I might want to enhance the descriptions, you know, there's, I can do that kind of thing with manifests, I can just go and get one and adjust it. I might want to make a scrapbook or reconstruct an exchange of letters between different people, or getting into the AV support in IIIF, I might want to make a case for different ordering of movements in a symphony. Now those examples are producing kind of regular manifest that we might expect to work in any IIIF viewer. There's another class of manifest that we want to produce and I think that's more of the focus today. These are manifest that while they are standard IIIF they are targeted to produce a specific experience in a specific environment. And you've seen Exhibit earlier, that's an example of where the standard IIIF manifest project produces a special kind of user experience in a particular software environment. So let's just look at some of these cases. So the very simplest and this is a frivolous example is me walking up to the Bodleian and finding one of their treasures, and in the same way I can view the source of a web page, I can view the source of a IIIF manifest, and I could take that away, and I could tweak it slightly to put a different label in it, and then I could put that manifest on my own site, it's still pointing at all the Bodleian's images, still works and a viewer, but it's got my stuff in it too. I've customized it for my own purpose. But in order to do that I need to be comfortable with editing the source code of the of the manifest, I need to be comfortable with, with editing in the text editor and not breaking it, other use cases, this was, there was a tweet a while ago, very recently, this article in The New York Times about making digital commonplace books, that is scrapbooks, you know, collecting things from the thing things that inspire you and assembling them into, into a scrapbook. IIIF is a fantastic technology to do that with so many things available digitally in IIIF form, taking fragments of those things and assembling your own manifests from them. That's a really good use case. That idea about reconstructing a correspondence. You know if one archive has one half of a correspondence and another archive has the other half of a correspondence, you could, using a manifest, of your own devising, reconstitute the exchange of letters between two people. So how would you go about doing this kind of stuff. Now there are lots of tools out there, and I should stress that what I'm going to show you in the next five minutes is not exhaustive. The IIIF awesome list is a good place to look for some. I'm going to start from the absolute kind of, sort of, simplest but not simplistic technique which is to write some code to do it. Now that's not something that we really want to have to do all the time, but there are lots of libraries for writing code so if you're comfortable with writing code, you can find one of the libraries in a language that suits you and use that to construct IIIF. Now, again, that requires some technical insight, so it's not a suitable approach for everyone, but it's a very flexible approach, you know, you don't need to start from scratch with this. In fact, on the Awesome List there's a whole list of different libraries that, you know, if you're comfortable with creating code, you can write IIIF tooling, using these components. This is Biff from Mnemoscene, same places as Exhibit from Ed Silverton, and this is a friendlier way of porducing IIIF manifests. If I have a folder full of images, and I have some metadata that I want to add to my manifest, I can just assemble that locally as a folder. I can optionally add in some little files for the EML files that have an excellent feature I want to add, and then I can run this on that folder and it will produce a IIIF manifest. So that's kind of nice intermediate kind of way of building IIIF. And although this one I've got on screen is really simple, it can build quite arbitrarily complex IIIF that way. The next one we're going to look at is the Bodleian manifest editor. This is kind of the other end of the scale, this is a very venerable piece of software created for the Bodleian by Text and Bytes. And this supports a great deal of the IIIF specification. I think it only supports IIIF 2.1 At the moment, but there are ways of upgrading something it produces in IIIF 2.1 to the current version three. And this is a fantastic tool, visual friendly tool for kind of editing and re mixing manifests, if I was gonna today, reconstruct a correspondence, I probably use this tool to do it. All the things I'm going to I'm going to show you, that there are links in in the slides which I can share afterwards. Actually we've just seen an Exhibit, so I'm not going to talk about that anymore, but this is another example of a, of a thing that creates manifests even if you're not really concerned with the fact that it's creating manifests you could use it to create a manifest because you can then grab the thing it's produced. In a similar vein is Stories or Storiiies I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it from, from Cogapp, which does a similar thing, this time with a single image, just gives you a guided tour around a single image. And this is like Exhibit, you can just go online and create your own manifests This. This is a set of tools called Annona, from North Carolina State University Libraries, and it's not really a manifest builder, but it's a tool for producing more complex narratives via annotation on manifest so, as part of a wider set of tools, you can produce manifests in one tool, bring them in here and produce quite complex, kind of shape-based driven narratives, using these components. Really worth checking checking that one out, a slightly different approach to IIIF creation is [Sound cuts out here]. Similar to this, you know, in a later talk. This does require some sort of technical knowledge to use but it's relatively straightforward to generate static sites using Wax. I'm going to look at a commercial offering now this is called Micrio or Micrio, ths is from the Netherlands and it's in use at the Rijksmuseum and quite a few other museums, and it's very slick, it's a commercial hosted subscription service: you upload your high-res image and you can build those kind of guided tour exhibits, but obviously you do have to pay for that one. To kind of finish off with another manifest editor. This is one that my company produced, it's the one that the Raphael, the very first thing that Luca showed, was created in. And this is a kind of aims to be able to produce a sort of vanilla manifest. But by adding plugins to it, it's able to produce tailored outputs for specific viewing experiences. I won't go into great detail on this now, but there's a couple of links in the slides, including a video of how that's being used at Delft Technical University. I'm just, I'm just going to finish because I could go on, there are lots and lots of tools out there, this is really just a flavor in some links to allow you to explore on your own, as well as creating new IIIF tools, one other kind of really good way of getting more adoption is to add support for IIIF to existing things. Now the two I've got on screen are probably tall orders is one is Google Slides. How about you could save the slide deck I just made as IIIF? And the other is Adobe Premiere, how about you save your complex, video, or constructive video as IIIF? Both of those things are theoretically possible, but it might be some time before support for IIIF is added to those particular tools, but there are lots of other open source tools and frameworks, especially in the AV-space things like transcription, annotation tools where IIIF support would be a relatively straightforward thing to add. So as well as building new tools, there's the possibility of adapting existing tools to bring them into our available kind of workflows and IIIF support. So yeah, so that's a very brief overview of manifest building and why you might want to do it and some tools that you could use to do that, and the links are in these slides at that address. Unknown Speaker 12:15 So thanks. Joe Padfield 12:18 Thank you very much, Tom, thank you. There's a couple of questions, more directly related to you, if you'd like to answer them before or wait utill the question time. Tom Crane 12:28 Yeah, I can I can I can answer those. So, very quickly the yes manifests, oh, lost that now, you've taken over my screen again. Joe Padfield 12:39 I think Melissa's taken over the screenbecause she's just about to start Tom Crane 12:43 Well to the manifest editor is compliant with presentation three. What are the main conceptual building blocks elements or components of a manifest? Excellent. Joe Padfield 12:54 I think that would might be a longer question Tom Tom Crane 12:56 I won't answer that now, but I will hand over to Melissa. Joe Padfield 13:01 Okay, Thank you very much.